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Sunday, July 22, 2012

After the storms pass..............the sun WILL shine!

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. -Proverbs 31:25

It has rained in Mississippi for the past two weeks and my 
body has been crippled by it.  My RA has been so very 
active that I have landed in the hospital twice unable to
stand on my own two feet, grasp toilet paper with either
hand, or simply open my mouth due to my jaws being
locked.  The pain has been so overwhelming that I am
now on a new journey to the Mayo Clinic in Rodchester, MN
to enter a three week Pain Management Program. I've
had RA for over 21 years and it has gotten progressively
worse.  For so long I thought that I was one tough cookie!
I could press through the pain and grin as if nothing was 
wrong.  But the past two years it became harder to mask
and harder to deal with.  I do NOT want to have to
use medicine that zonks me out or changes my
So...we are choosing this new path.  I ask for prayers
as I begin this journey.  My rheumy has referred me
and now it is the insurance approval wait.  OH THE JOYS!

Friday, July 6, 2012

They won't always be babies!

It is strange how I viewed my kids as they were little
tikes.... I soaked up each moment so that I never
fully grasp the idea that they would indeed grow "UP".
As middle school and high school hit, I was still 
viewing my kids as my babies... they still needed
me and were always coming to me with questions.
As my son's senior year approached it began to hit
home that my "babies" were growing "UP" and 
soon they would be growing "OUT".  I always
knew in my heart they were a gift from God to 
guide, guard and protect until the day I was 
to help them fly own their own.  YES, it hit
hard and I cried tears of joys and tears of 
"where did all the years go" when my son left
for college.  BUT oh how this year has marked
the beginning of a "TRUE EMPTY NEST".
I watched my baby girl leave for Indiana 
for summer missions with a joy filled heart.
As the days passed, she began vocalizing 
how much she missed home and then
came her "countdown to return". It made 
me think..... upon her return, she will have
one year left at home before joining her 
brother at MSU.... where did all the time
go? It is a blessing to know that my kids are
healthy, happy, intelligent, and moral young 
adults that are able to fly own their own....
but OH how I will miss them.  I will smile
and help fix up her dorm room at the junior 
college a mile from our house this year...
but in my heart there WILL BE TEARS!
MY BABIES are growing "UP"!