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Monday, November 3, 2014

I stepped right into my dreams.....a little peace of heaven on Earth.... Brave Girl Camp

Brave Girl Camp - Boise, Idaho
Last month I was able to attend Brave Girl Camp and 
feel as if I stepped into another world.  I have never
experienced anything like it in my 46 years of life.
When you think of putting 25 women in one small
building...each with different personalities and ideas..
from different walks of life...... different views.....
different socioeconomic status.... different proffessions...
well, lets be honest here... you would usually equate 
all of the above with "clicks" or "snobbery" or 
"leaving someone out" or "not feeling adequate" or
"not fitting in" or "fear of failure"..... and so many'
more things that usually are brought to mind
when that many women, who seem so different
are put together.... BUT NO.... at that magical 
place...NO ONE felt left out, every single person
felt cherished and loved and wanted and needed,
as each person became a spoke on that large wheel
called Brave Girl Club.... each person brought
her story, her talent, her gifts to the whole....
in a way that I have never seen before...
the wheel was able to do its job.... it turned
and had not ONE wobble.... from the start.
Melody and Kathy (and each Brave Sister
staff member) greeted us morning after 
morning with open arms....LITERALLY...
arms stretched wide ... with nothing but
love in their eyes....and sweet greetings from
their lips the moment we stepped off of
the Brave Girl Bus onto the Camp grounds.
I came home a better me....because each 
brave sister there made me see my 
strength....the gifts that I brought to 
the world..... to my family and friends...
to my new the end....
THERE WAS NO END.... because we
left knowing that forever we would be
bound by this sisterhood called 
"Brave Girl Club".... we know that this
place.... was a place where we truly 
learned what our wings were born to
do.... not just flap furiously in effort to
get higher ...but to fly peacefully and 
along the way to be wrapped around
other brave sisters who we meet on
our journey home.
If you've never visited the Brave Girl Club..
it would be SO worth a look-see! :) 
you will truly be blessed!! 
This is how we were greeted EACH morning as we arrived
on the Brave Girl Bus..............
Our first day there, Melody gave us bird seed to visualize being
our "worries from home"...we then threw our worries to the
birds..... because we were going to be HERE and ONLY here
this week.... and no worries were welcome because, as Melody
said, "Worries are for the birds!" ......... 
Precious sister bonds were formed with each brave girl there.....
There were words of affirmation sprinkled throughout
the property to remind us that WE indeed were worth
the time to "get away" and become BRAVER than
we ever knew we were...... we found just how ALIKE
we really are.... just little girls inside making our way
in a great big world.... daughters, mothers, sisters,
friends, grandmothers, wives, ......and oh so much more!
Mentor bonds were made with so many precious sisters..
Mrs. Pam's strength and resilience left me in awe of the
power and majesty of OUR LORD.... what a beautiful
testimony of strength and grace and mercy her life is...
what a blessing to know her....and walk this journey
with her ..... she taught us all what it means to be
strong yet gentle.... love just oozes from her!! 
 Alumni Brave Girls wrapping their sweet wings
around their NEW Brave Girl sisters...... Leigh and Mrs. Judy.
Jeni and Dawn (new Brave Girl being loved on by an alumni
Brave Girl.... nothing sweeter!)
Alumni Brave Girls wrapping their arms around their new
Brave Girl sisters..... momma bonds were MADE.... and
will forever remain..... :) Mrs. Annie and I.
Fall was in the air....and all over the camp grounds.......
 Jeni and I...two NEW Brave Girls!!
 Group time.... singing and sharing ..... priceless moments!
 Artsy Fartsy TIME.....endless art supplies right at our little fingertips!!
Trina... .another NEW Brave Girl sister.................... 
Our sisterhood will only grow stronger through the coming
years....and this I KNOW FOR SURE....... 
My sister gift (Leigh) and I with Melody on the last night of camp.
Me, Kathy and Leigh. :)
What I learned about myself at camp is that
God designed me to be free... His mercies are
new every SINGLE morning.... on this journey home!